Return Policy

Mike's Accessories and More aims to provide a happy shopping experience for all of our customers, but we do understand that sometimes a product is just not right for you. We aim to make our returns as simple as possible for our valued customers.

Returns - We will issue a full refund, including any applicable sales taxes, for any products returned within the requirements outlined below. Please note that any shipping fees you may have paid in connection with your purchase are non-refundable.
Note to customers outside the US: Refunds for any import/customs/duty fees charged to you at the time of import or delivery should be sought through your local customs bureau. cannot provide any coverage for this.

Requirements for returns

Within 30 days - you must contact support about any issues with your order within 30 days of delivery

Includes original packaging & product in like-new condition - any returned product(s) must be returned with any original packaging, and in the condition which the product(s) arrived. If your return is accepted, we will issue a refund

Mike's Accessories and More may reject the returned product if there is damage to the product and/or product packaging. If a returned product is rejected, no refund will be issued to the customer, and the customer may choose to have the product shipped back to them at their own cost. If the customer chooses not to ship the product back to them, Mike's Accessories and More will recycle or dispose of the product.

Self-Serve Return Request

Self service return requests are only available for users in the United States. Users outside of those countries will have to contact support using the support form in the footer to request a return.

Click the profile icon in the store's navigation, and then request a return.

  1. Log in to your account: 
  2. In the Email field, enter your email address, and then click Continue.
  3. In your email account, open the email sent from our store and copy the six-digit verification code included in the email.
  4. Go back to the online store, and then enter a six-digit verification code.
  5. Click the order that you want to submit the return for.
  6. If your order has more than one item, then select the items that you want to return.
  7. Select a return reason and add a note for the store.
  8. Click Request return

If your return request is approved and requires shipping, Please return it as your easiest convenience.  After the product is returned, you receive a refund, usually within 3 business days.